$45k in 45 days

It is more blessed to give than to recieve. This is something my dad understands, which is why for his 45th birthday he wants to give a gift to children who have essentially nothing.

My dad and I visited these children two years ago and were changed forever. Each day from now until April 29 my dad will be posting a glimpse into life at God’s House of Grace.

Please spread the word (pinterest, twitter, facebook, blog…) and consider donating. Just $1 can change a child’s life for the better.

via $45K in 45 days.

Today… 2 years ago

I was in Africa. The land I love. Today, 2 years ago I had just arrived in Kenya after spending (about) 5 days in Burundi. Burundi brings back memories of confusion, joy, fear, kindness, grief, but most of all love.

The way God orchestrated the whole trip was incredible. I can’t even list all the ways God worked in and through our team from my church.

I would love to share more, but this experience has already been written over at my Africa blog 😉 To read about our first day in Kenya click here.


A repost from: The Journey

“I just want to remember,” she says matter-of-factly, and she pulls the covers right back up over her head.

It is well after our 8 o’clock bed time. I have been sunk deep in the couch and in the Word knowing that 13 pairs of feet were tucked snugly in 13 beds. But as I make my way from the couch to my room, something catches my eye and I peek my head in the girls’ bedroom.

There flat on the cold, hard tile floor is my 11 year old with her blanket pulled tightly around herself. It doesn’t look as if she has rolled out of bed; it looks intentional. I nudge her awake. “Honey, what are you doing on the floor?” Why would anyone ever choose to sleep on this, the hardest of surfaces, with a comfortable bed just inches away?

“Remember,” she mumbles sleepily, “I just want to remember. Some people don’t have a bed,mom. I didn’t have a bed, mom. God gave me a bed. And I wanted to remember what it was like to not have one.”

We have to remember. Because how can we ever move forward if we don’t look back? This God, He makes promises and in remembering we see the truth: this God, He keeps promises.

(The picture and the post surrounding it came from Katie’s blog the Journey. Katie is an amazing servant of God and a great example. She just published a book about her amazing journey, it’s called: Kisses From Katie)

Katie's Book

I have been Awarded!

The rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.

2. Write seven things about yourself.

3. Pass on to seven other bloggers.

4. Tell the seven awardees of their award! 🙂

The person who awarded me:

Ashlin @ My hiding place

Thank you so much for awarding me! I did not think my blog was exactly “stylish”, but thanks!

Now the 7 things about me:

1: Jesus Christ is the most important person in my life. He is the one you saved me from eternal death as a consequence  from my sinning nature.

2: My Favorite/Life verse is Isaiah 6:8

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

It is Because…

3: When I was 5 years old I had a dream that God wanted me to be a missionary, ever since God has been working on me to be the missionary he wants me to be through my life with my family and also…

4: I have been to Africa, twice, and the first time I went I left part of my heart there. I absolutely LOVE it there! The plants, the animals, but most of all the people, God’s people.

5: Part of God’s work through me here in my home has been our family journey through foster care. I have learned how to take care of a child from infant (and all that comes with them) through 5 years old so far (my bros are still growing:).

6: Another part of God’s work through me has been through a ministry my sister started called Reach Out. It is where older women mentors come to mentor youg girls in the art of sewing, crocheting and knitting. To find out more about this ministry please go to http://reachoutarizona.wordpress.com/

7: The last thing I am going to sneak 2 into 😉 I am doing a challenge called 35 in 365 where I try to accomplish 35 goals in 365 days and i would LOVE you comments about what you think of anything on my blog! (nice ones PLEASE!)

I am going to pass this on to:

My sister Jordan @ Heavenly Princess Blog

Mrs. Hanson @ Nothings and Notions from my Noodle (she is the one I got the idea for 35 in 365 from)

Risa, Momo and Sam @ Books, Ballet, and Basketball

Ashley @ Bramble Wood Fashion

Melanie @ Forever His Servent

and that is it, I don’t really follow any other blogs except Katie @ Kisses from Katie but I know she is to busy to do this!