Pot Pie; the Chicken

The second Chicken I would like to introduce to you is…

Pot Pie!

Riahjoy: How did you get your name?

Pot Pie: Jordan named me Pot Pie. I fail to see the humor.

Riahjoy: What is your favorite part of the day?

Pot Pie: When the humans come visit; I am the hospitality queen.

Riahjoy: Do you like being held?

Pot Pie: I prefer sitting on the human’s knees

Riahjoy: Is there anything else you would like to share?

Pot Pie: You must realize that I am the prettiest one in the coop, regardless of what anyone else might tell you.

Riahjoy: Thanks for the great interview!


One thought on “Pot Pie; the Chicken

  1. “Jordan named me Pot Pie. I fail to see the humor.” 😀 I LOVE that line, so funny. And I agree with her, she is a very pretty chicken. 🙂
    Have a great day!

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